Sunday, February 10, 2013

Samuel Adam's Spring Thaw 12 pk

This is a descent little sampler that was released by Sam Adam's in late January. It comes with 2 bottles of the following 6 brews: Maple Porter, White Lantern, Double Agent IPL, Irish Red, Boston Lager, and Alpine Spring. 

Hands down, the worst beers of the bunch were the Irish Red and Alpine Spring. The Irish Red tasted like high grade landscaping dirt and the Alpine tasted like a sour tin can that was once used to hold spare nuts and bolts.

 It's safe to say the best tasting beers were the Maple Porter and the IPL. The Maple Porter tasted like pancakes served at a highschool football game. The India Pale Lager tasted like playing frisbee on a chilly spring day.

All considered, I wouldn't pay over 12.99 for this pack. You're better off buying the IPL in a sixer or stealing a Maple Porter from your buddies sampler.

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