Saturday, May 11, 2013

La Fin du Monde

Ok, so, I'm back! Got a pay-day and I had to go out and buy some exotics. La Fin du Monde was one of my three picks. I'm gonna come right out and say it, I'm not a fan of tripels or abbey style beers; I feel they are over priced, fall short in taste, and have an egg-y feel. Idk, man, must be the yeast?

Saying that, I'm going to stick with my conviction. This beer is malty, salty, and flat. I like a beer with character, with personality. This beer tastes like 312 on steroids.

That said, La Fin du Monde has a corn taste with orange notes. I would take it any day over an imported lager, but it has yet to beat my go-to IPA.

Considering this, take into account that Beer Advocate rated this beer a 100... (are you kidding me). Their users rated it a 96, I'd give it a 80 so... Maybe I'm just crazy -- or a beer GENIUS.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Tasting

I decided one night to drink an array of different beers (to have a tasting, if you will). Instead of making huge posts for each of these, I thought I would just give you six micro-reviews all in one. Some suds were duds and some ales prevailed. Enjoy.

Shipyard IPA

I'll be honest: This beer was COMPLETE garbage. I took one sip and instantly checked the expiration date. It tasted like rust water. Also, it was an expensive mistake... 1/5
 Peace Tree Hop Wrangler

This beer is native to Iowa and is actually a good representation of a pale ale. It was thick and bitter, just like any good PA. I would recommend this to anyone wanting to try a local beer. I feel like this beer and Madhouse's HopBurst are some of the better Iowa beers. Overall: 3/5
Crispin Honey Crisp

I don't often admit that I like ciders, but I really do. Think of his Crispin cider as the champagne of the store-bought alcoholic ciders. It makes Wood Chuck look like Budweiser.

Overall: 4/5
New Belgium Ranger IPA

Ranger is always good. Hands down, a great IPA. Always a great go-to.

Overall: 4/5
New Belgium Abbey Ale

You've really gotta be in the right mood for New Belgium Abbey. I feel like I would get really sick of it after 3 beers. It's dark, malty, and somewhat boring. In the end though, it's still drinkable, and that's what we're looking for here.

Overall: 3/5
Boulevard Grainstorm Black Rye IPA

This 750ml bottle of Black IPA blew me away. It has all of the best qualities of a black lager and an IPA, obviously. This beer has bitter notes, floral aromas, and goes down with a smooth bite.

Overall 5/5

Peace Tree Fatale Blonde Ale

ABV: 8.5%
#GTB @ Hy-Vee, Suds, Ginger's and most other bars

This Iowa-native blonde ale is a descent brew from Peace Tree Brewing in Knoxville, IA.

Appearance: white gold, hazy
Smell: bread, banannas
Taste: bready, malty, bitter notes
Mouthfeel: flat, simple
Overall: 2.7 out of 5

Recommendation: Peace Tree was definitely on the right track, but lacked follow through. If you can find a single bottle for sale or a draft, then try it. Don't buy a six pack if you have never had it. It usually runs between 11 and 13 dollars, and that could be an expensive mistake if it's not your thing.

Dark Star Hop Head Ale

ABV: 6.9%

#GTB @ Ginger's in Cedar Falls

Appearance: Light gold
Smell: Semi Floral, oats
Taste: Starts out smooth, then tart, then a semi-bitter/ dry pine finish.
Mouthfeel: crisp
Overall: 3.8 out of 5

Recommendation: Overall, pretty solid ale. I might go with something more exciting or luxurious if I'm only going to have one beer for the night. But... I could easily drink a sixer.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Stone Smoked Porter

My viewers have to hate me for posting so many Stone reviews, but realize that their beers have just started to be released in Iowa in the past 8 or 9 months (correct me if I'm wrong). Anyway, I'm here to bring you my opinions on the Smoked Porter. Let's shed the ASTMO format and get down to business.

Right of the bat, this beer smells like a campfire. The appearance is that of a porter, so that checks out. It's not as opaque as a black ale or black IPA. I drink it, and the taste isn't over powering. Smokey, like a grill, with a coffe
e/chocolate finish. When I compare it to most of the porters I've had, it ranks 2nd or 3rd. Granted, I'm an IPA guy, so I don't have many porters, yet this beer is pretty phenomenal. Honestly, a great beer.

And it better be, for upwards of seven dollars per bottle. I would say that for the first timer, buy a six pack of Summit or Sierra Nevada porter first so that you can appreciate this beer without a feeling of cognitive dissonance (which means buyer's remorse, I just thought I'd drop that bomb on you).

Overall: 5/6

Monday, April 8, 2013

Three Philosophers

For the last year that I worked in a beer and liquor department, one man always came in, bought two bottles of this, and begged me to try it.Well when the price of one bottle was nearly worth two hours of my working wage, it was easy to be hesitant. Recently, a liquor store near by started selling 12oz bottles from a four pack for $4.50. Ok, I'm down. Get ready for some similes.

Appearance: Like multi-colored maple leaves. (3/5)

Smell: Like the first day of school. (3/5)

Taste: Like grandpa's hunting cabin at Christmas (4/5)

Mouthfeel: Like light syrup. (4/5)

Overall: Very good. (4/5) Well worth $4 dollars a bottle. I'm very impressed -- even when my expectations were very high, which when it comes to beers nowadays, is rare. I feel like I've had them all. I think I would go so far as to say Three Philosophers is in my top 20.

#GTB Hy-Vee Wine and Spirits is the only place I've found it.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Stone Old Guardian Barleywine

#GTB: Music Station, Hy-Vee Wine and Spirits.

Nick here, with another Stone review. They have just released Old Guardian in Iowa and I have to say... It's good. I am pouring it from a 22oz bottle and I'd have to say it's worth it (the $5.99).

A good aroma -- like whiskey.

A good appearance -- walnut colored.

Great taste -- bourbon, nuts, honey, tree bark.

Ok mouthfeel -- not as carbonated as I had hoped.

Overall -- 5/6   a solid, go-to beer by Stone.

I'll leave you with another ETID quote for the heck of it.
"I enticed the devil out with a bottle, but maybe it was he who lured me out instead."