Thursday, November 21, 2013

Millstream Back Road Stout

Hey everyone, 

it's been a while, I know, but I have new and exciting reviews to come! Tonight I tried Millstream Back Road Stout, an Iowa beer, from the Amana area. Needless to say, I started with doubts. Everyone who knows me, understands the fact that I'm not big on ANY Iowa beers (Hopburst being the exception), but this brew was fairly pleasant! Let's get started -- 

Appearance: Great caramel, coffee color, but -- barely any head to it.
Smell: Fall leaves, farming, walnut notes.
Taste: Winter's coming. Tastes like I'm sitting by the fire, reading a book.
Mouth feel: Flat, smooth, not carbonated enough. Side note: few Iowa beers hit my criterion for mouth feel.
Overall: 3/5. Descent. If you can get a six pack for 7.99 or below, don't hesitate to get two or three.

For my CF followers, I know the Library on the hill had this on tap and probably still does. For everyone else, it's not to hard to spot this in your local grocery store, provided that you aren't out of state.